Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Journey Hasn't Ended

Well, the vacation is over but the journey isn't : ) I had so much fun "blogging" while on our trip that I'm going to continue doing it. Anyone bored with the humdrum of their own lives can come here and read about the humdrum of mine!

We still haven't completely unpacked the trailer from the trip and in fact, the kids are often wandering out there to look for socks, etc. But we're planning a trip to the beach in July and will be forced to clean it out by then (in order to fill it up with more stuff).

We miss our vacation!! John Michael just brought over some absolutely gorgeous prints he made of 3 of the photos from the trip. He did them in black and white (Ansel Adams style) and they are breathtaking. We're like, "Did we take those????" Two are of Yosemite waterfalls and one is of an apple blossom on one of Mark and Rita's trees. I need to frame them. They were intended to hang in my meditation nook above my little water fountain but they turned out so well that I'm not sure that I want to hide them away.

Ellie was home for a very short time before heading off to Baltimore to compete with her Odyssey of the Mind team at the World Finals. She left yesterday and I talked to her last night and she was happy but exhausted. There are a few glitches (they are stuck reassembling their things in a parking garage and their Singapore buddy team was placed in a different dorm) but she is excited and having a good time. They are competing against their Polish buddy team from last year! So that will be fun. The Polish team won 1st last year (in a different category).

Our "school year" is winding down THANK GOD. We are down to our end-of-the year stuff. Camille has a dance recital next Friday and I have some work to do on her costume and I am totally not good at that sort of thing. Camille doesn't really know the dance routines but doesn't seem concerned about it at all. The girl is all about tutus and lipstick. Joel just earned his orange belt in tae kwon do - Jules will try for his next month. Ellie has a couple of piano recitals in June. Even I have rather gigantic plans: I am getting to escape mommydom next weekend! Twice a year (when I'm not breastfeeding) I go off without kiddos. These excursions are also known as "child abuse prevention weekends". Jeff and I will head to Corpus Christi. He will work calling on local hospitals and I will work on a tan and a few margaritas. yahoo!!!! Several local volunteers have to work to make this event possible and they shall be justly rewarded in heaven.

I plan on posting! Feel free to "visit" and comment from time to time!

Sardine Mama

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